

Thank you for thinking of us! Your donation will go toward building the information technology infrastructure that is critical to our services.


We are only able to accept unrestricted gifts and donations if we have a gap and the materials meet the selection criteria outlined in the collection development policy. We maintain a wish list of items we are looking to add to our collection which can be viewed below.

  • Title What we need 
    Acts of New Brunswick 1904-1907 
    Acts of Manitoba 1895/1899 
    Bills 1st Reading House of Commons 1953/1954 v. 1, 1955, 1970/1972, 1973/1974, 1984/1986 v. 2 
    British Columbia Gazette part 1 v. 11-12 (1872), v. 22 (1882), v. 27 (1887), v. 30 (1890), v. 51 pt. (1911), v. 66 pt. 2 (1926, v. 70 pt. 1 (1930), v. 89 pt. 1 (1949) 
    Canada Gazette Part 2 1970 pt. 1-1970 pt. 2 
    The law timesv. 1 – 236 (1965) 
    The law times reportsv. 1-177 
    v. 1-137, 139, 141-177 (v. 138 & 140 missing) 
    Lloyd’s list law reports1919 - 1967  
    Lloyd’s law reports1968 - 2005 
    The law reports (Ireland) v. 1 - 32 
    British Statutes: Statutes at Large, Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, The Statutes (Law Reports 

    v.1 - 105 


    The Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedentsv. 1 - 42 
    Glossary of Maritime Law Terms / Tetley 2001 
    The Irish reports: Common law series, High Court, Court of Criminal Appeal, Supreme Court, Equity series

    KF241.I75 C43 (v.1-17) 

    KF241.I75 C64 (v.1-17) 

    KF241.I75 L38 1874, 1877, 1882,1884-1933 

    KF241.I75 R43 (v.1-11) 

    KF241.I75 R44 (v.1-11) 

    KF241.I76 R45 (v.1-32) 

    KF241.I76 R47 

    Halsbury’s Laws of England, 4th and 5th  
  • Journals
  • Case law report series
  • American legislation and case law series
  • material not in the official Canadian languages

Things to keep in mind when you donate materials to the library:

  • we reserve the right to discard donated items at any point
  • if we are unable to inspect the material prior to donation, we would like photographs
  • we do not provide tax receipts for donated items
  • ideally, accepted donations would be delivered to a CLBC branch
  • we can not accept mouldy or damaged materials

Contact us to discuss your donation further: sends email)