Upcoming webinars:
Courthouse Library and the Criminal Defense Advocacy Society presents: Are fingerprints really unique? Why it matters in criminal cases.
Simon A. Cole, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society, UC Irvine.
In January 2023, science journalists breathlessly reported a newly published “discovery” that fingerprints were not, in fact, unique. This talk explains why this claimed discovery was not only incorrect but also focused on the wrong question about the usefulness of fingerprint identification and other “feature-comparison” forensic techniques.
Date and time:
Friday, February 28th, 2025 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
To register:
Courthouse Libraries BC and Community Legal Assistance Society’s Stand Informed Legal Advice Services: Advising Sexual assault Complainants on Varying or Revoking Publication Bans in Criminal Trials
Janet Dickie, Crown Counsel, Crown Counsel, BC Prosecution Service, and Chantal Paquette, Barrister & Solicitor, Vancouver BC, and Morrell Andrews.
Until October 2023, sexual assault complainants who wanted to tell their story were often silenced by publication bans under Criminal Code section 486.4, many of whom were never informed about when criminal proceedings commenced. Recently enacted Criminal Code section 486.51 now provides sexual assault complainants the opportunity to change or revoke publication ban orders on their own identities. Join us for an interactive panel discussion with Janet Dickie, Crown Counsel, Chantal Paquette, Independent Legal Counsel for sexual assault complainants, and Morrell Andrews, co-founder of now inactive My Voice, My Choice and staunch advocate for amending Criminal Code sections 486.4 and 486.5. Janet Dickie, Chantal Paquette, and Morrell Andrews will provide their respective perspectives on revoking or varying publication bans, discuss the application process and offer practical information for lawyers providing independent legal advice to sexual assault complainants navigating section 486.51 applications.
Presented in partnership with Courthouse Libraries BC and Community Legal Assistance Society’s Stand Informed Legal Advice Services.
Participants in this presentation may claim up to 1.5 hours of CPD credit with LSBC.
Date and time:
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
To register:
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More CPD opportunities
Archived webinars
Archived webinars are organized by topic. If you plan to review a previously recorded course for CPD credit, it is your responsibility to ensure that your review of the course meets the Law Society of BC's Eligible Activities for continuing professional development.
Legal research course
This course, which is eligible for CPD credit, is a series of videos that demonstrate how to plan a research strategy and employ specific research skills. In the videos we show you how to use popular legal research tools that are free (CanLII) or that you can use for free at the BC Courthouse Libraries.
Take the course (including self-assessment quiz questions) through the Law Society's Brightspace platform.