Family Law Unbundling Toolkit

Chief Justice Robert J. Bauman has urged BC lawyers to read the resources on this page, and to consider offering unbundled services.

Unbundling refers to a situation where lawyers perform discrete tasks for clients and clients handle other matters that, in a full service retainer, would form part of the services lawyers would provide.

This toolkit was developed to assist and guide BC family lawyers and paralegals to provide unbundled family legal services in a safe and effective way. The core documents referred to in the toolkit have been prepared with the assistance of the Law Society of British Columbia.

Access the Family Lawyer Toolkit (version 1.2) and get information about unbundling, helpful retainer letter templates, checklists, flowcharts, and more.

Toolkit Version 1.2

Watch one of these following excellent webinars:

Consider how unbundling will fit within your business model.  Do you plan to change your business model?  If so, how? The more that you can embed this approach into your practice the more helpful it will be for you.

If you have difficulty interpreting the rules in the Code of Conduct relating to limited scope retainers, please refer to the Practice Advice department of the Law Society of British Columbia.


If you have questions or feedback, please contact:

Last Updated: September 28, 2022