Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act

S.B.C. 2023, c. 32 (Bill 35(link is external))

Last Updated
In Force Date
Sections in Force
(i) section 1, as it enacts the definitions of “applicant”, “registrant”, “registration number” and
“registration requirement”;
(ii) section 1, as it enacts paragraph (a) of the definition of “responsible official” and paragraph (c) of the
definition of “short-term rental information”;
(iii) sections 6 to 12, 13 (b), 14 (2), 17 (1) (b) (i) (B) and (ii) and (2) (a), 35 (3) (a) and 38 (2) (f) (ii)
to (vii), (3) (e) (i) and (f) (i) (A)
By Regulation
B.C. Reg 2/2025
Date Added
In Force Date
Sections in Force
(i) section 1, except the definitions of “applicant”, “registrant”, “registration number”, “registration
requirement”, “responsible official” and paragraph (c) of the definition of “short-term rental
(ii) sections 2 to 5, 15, 19 (1) to (4), 20, 21 (a), 22 to 25 and 31 to 34;
(iii) section 35, except paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3);
(iv) section 37;
(v) section 38, except subsections (2) (f) (ii) to (vii) and (n) and (3) (e) (i) and (f) (i) (A);
(vi) section 39
By Regulation
B.C. Reg 268/2023
Date Added
In Force Date
Sections in Force
Sections 13 (a) and (c), 14 (1), 16, 17 (1) (a) and (b) (i) (A) and (C) and 36
By Regulation
B.C. Reg 268/2023
Date Added