Alden v Spooner

Decision Date
Decision Number
6D-15778 & 6D-15778a to 6D-15778e
Registry or File Number
S041688 & S041689 & S045589
Court or Tribunal
New Westminster
Judge or Arbitrator
Other Parties: Chiu, Lewis, Transportation Lease Systems Inc., A.D. Patient Empowerment Society, Wray and Enns. This is a Ruling. Registry stamp was dated May 16, 2001. Ruling dated MAY 14, 2001 available at 6D-15778a. Another Ruling dated JUNE 1, 2001 available at 6D-15778b. Registry stamps for these two decisions were dated July 5, 2001. Three other Rulings all dated JUNE 1, 2001 are available at 6D-15778c, 6D-15778d and 6D-15778e. The registry stamps for all these rulings were dated September 25, 2001.