Asset Engineering LP v Forest & Marine Financial Ltd.

Decision Date
Decision Number
7A-16050 & 7A-16050a
Registry or File Number
S092160 & S092244
Court or Tribunal
Judge or Arbitrator
Other Parties: Forest & Marine Financial Corp., Forest & Marine Investments Ltd., Forest & Marine Capital Ltd., Forest & Marine Insurance Services Ltd., Treesea Holdings Inc., Forest & Marine Investment Trust, British Columbia (Financial Institutions Commission), Ad hoc Committee of Investment Receipt Holders, Kenna and Wolridge Mahon Ltd. (Monitor). In the matter of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36 and the Business Corporations Act, S.B.C. 2002, Ch. 57. Reasons for Judgment dated MAY 1, 2009 available at 7A-16050a.