Hendren v Fedora

Decision Date
Decision Number
See Notes
Registry or File Number
500489 / 500490 / 500491 (See Notes)
Court or Tribunal
Residential Tenancy Branch Arbitration
Judge or Arbitrator
Other Parties: Davies, Frank, MacLeod, Gibson, Vital, Olsen, Stallwood, Cooper, Fransen, Fisher, Crick, Radcliffe, Hartley, Rains and Miller. Other Registry Numbers: 500492, 500493, 500494, 500495, 500496, 500497, 500498, 500499, 500500, 500501, 500502, 500504 and 500505. This decision can be found in Arbitrators' Decisions KN 90 A121 A72 behind Tab 13(1.1). In the matter of the Residential Tenancy Act, S.B.C. 1984, c.15, s.13(1.1).