United States of America v Ross

Decision Date
Decision Number
6C-15408 & 6C-15408a to 6C-15408c
Registry or File Number
CA017111 & CA017752
Court or Tribunal
Judge or Arbitrator
This is an application for interim judicial release. An application for Judicial Review of the decision of the Minister of Justice available at 6C-15408a. An Order by Lambert, Taylor, Finch, JJ.A., dated OCTOBER 7, 1994 available at 6C-15408b. An Order also dated OCTOBER 7, 1994 regarding the application for judicial review of the decision of the Minister of Justice available at 6C-15408c. The Warrant of Committal by Hamilton J., dated April 1, 1993 and a Warrant of Surrender to the United States given by the Minister of Justice of Canada, Pierre Blais, on April 24, 1993 are attached to this last Order. In the matter of the Extradition Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.E-23, s.25.2.