We’ve added a new digital subscription to our library that many of you are going to love - and not just because you’ll be able to access them remotely!
Emond Publishing Criminal and Immigration Collection
As of November 1, 2024, lawyers with a Courthouse Libraries BC account can access Emond’s Criminal and Immigration Digital Collection via our vLex subscription. (If you don’t already have an account with us, set one up for free by clicking the link below!) Emond is a Canadian legal publisher with titles targeted to a Canadian audience.
You’ll find 18 titles covering criminal law topics such as driving, drugs, fraud, extradition, and appeals, and 5 titles covering immigration topics like refugee protection, sponsorship, and the labour market.
Come into a courthouse library and access the collection through vLex, or access it off-site via our Remote Access to Subscription Databases, including BC Wallet.