Revised Notice to the Profession and Public 19 - effective January 31, 2022

Chief Judge Gillespie has issued the following update effective January 31, 2022:

Revised NP 19 Court Operations During COVID-19 (eff. Jan. 31, 2022) - The Provincial Court of British Columbia recognizes that the Province is still impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as noted in the recently updated Guidance for Courthouse Users During the COVID-19 Pandemic, courts are essential services, and variants of COVID-19, including the Omicron variant, spread the same way as the original COVID-19, and the prevention and exposure control measures already in place in courts continue to be effective at reducing the risk of COVID-19 spreading. These include everyone eligible getting fully vaccinated, doing a daily health check, staying home when sick, wearing masks, and cleaning hands regularly. 

Accordingly, starting on January 31, 2022 trials, trial continuations, and all other matters will proceed in person or virtually on their scheduled dates as set out in Revised NP 19 Court Operations During COVID-19 (eff. Jan. 31, 2022), subject to the availability of sufficient judges and court staff, as well as the availability of participants in the proceeding. 

If participants have symptoms of COVID-19 or are required to self-isolate, they should not attend court in person and any applications to adjourn their court matter should be made as soon as possible.

NP 19 Court Operations During COVID-19 (January 10-28, 2022) remains in effect until January 28, 2022.

Visit the Provincial Court of British Columbia to read all news and announcements.