Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law: A Practitioner's Handbook, 4th Edition / Chantal Desloges
KM176.D47 2024
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Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law: A Practitioner’s Handbook offers practitioners a current and comprehensive analysis of the complexities and nuances within immigration law.
Designed to keep practitioners up to date with the continual reforms to Canada’s immigration, refugee, and citizenship systems, this all-in-one resource explains key principles and processes, from eligibility criteria to decision-making. Procedures, practices, and legislation are contextualized through current events, program descriptions, legislative and policy references, and practical tips.
Updated to include recent case law and legislative amendments, the fourth edition discusses new permanent residency streams, IRCC entry and exit tracking, online application systems, and more. This edition also features new figures and updated sample documents, including a citizenship certificate.
Perfect for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of immigration and refugee law—from lawyers, paralegals, and consultants who need a practical resource manual, to students learning the basics of immigration and refugee law, to laypersons such as interpreters and settlement and community workers.
On the shelves now at our Kamloops, Kelowna, New Westminster, Prince George, Vancouver and Victoria branches
Prosecuting and Defending Youth Criminal Justice Cases, 3rd Edition / Brock Jones
KM590.J66 2024
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There are many procedural and ethical considerations that practitioners need to be aware of when working on a criminal case involving youth, especially when the young persons involved are from vulnerable populations that require special care. Prosecuting and Defending Youth Criminal Justice Cases provides practical commentary and analysis alongside updated policy, case law, and legislation in order to guide readers through a youth criminal justice case from beginning to end.
The third edition's chapters on bail, youth records and privacy, sentencing, and youth trials have been updated to include new information on the treatment of youth in the welfare system, adult sentencing applications, court remedies surrounding privacy violations, unreasonable delay in court proceedings, the admissibility of youth statements, and more. This text also explores the ways in which landmark decisions such as R v TJM, R v KJM, and R v Joseph will impact future youth criminal justice cases from both crown and defence perspectives.
On the shelves now at our Abbotsford, Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Prince George, Vancouver and Victoria branches
Insolvency Practitioners: Appointment, Duties, Powers and Liability / Hugh Sims
KN310.H84 2024
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This is an indispensable and practical overview of the functions and liabilities of the insolvency practitioner (IP), bringing together the expertise of insolvency practitioners and specialist lawyers. It considers the circumstances in which IPs are appointed, their duties and their powers, before offering a detailed investigation into their potential professional liabilities, as well as in-depth guidance to practitioners and advisers as to how claims might be framed and defended.
On the shelves now at our Vancouver branch
Impaired Driving in Canada – The Charter Cases, 5th Edition / Joseph Kenkel
KM565.T7K462 2024
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This publication is the only national book focused solely on the Charter aspects of impaired driving cases. It is an essential resource for defence counsel, Crown counsel, and judges involved with impaired driving trials and appeals.
Impaired Driving in Canada – The Charter Cases, 5th Edition provides a thorough analysis of all the latest Charter and constitutional issues. The essential quotes from over 1,000 cases are summarized and organized into more than 400 subheadings for quick access. A detailed table of contents sets out every potential Charter issue from the initial vehicle stop to sentencing. There is a further section on constitutional applications that outlines the caselaw relevant to ongoing challenges to the 2018 C-46 amendments.
The unique format of this popular guide makes it an indispensable and cost-effective resource for Charter issues that can arise in any impaired driving trial.
On the shelves now at our Kelowna, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Prince George and Vancouver branches
AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable / Roman V. Yampolskiy
KN349.Y36 2024
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Delving into the deeply enigmatic nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable explores the various reasons why the field is so challenging. Written by one of the founders of the field of AI safety, this book addresses some of the most fascinating questions facing humanity, including the nature of intelligence, consciousness, values and knowledge.
Moving from a broad introduction to the core problems, such as the unpredictability of AI outcomes or the difficulty in explaining AI decisions, this book arrives at more complex questions of ownership and control, conducting an in-depth analysis of potential hazards and unintentional consequences. The book then concludes with philosophical and existential considerations, probing into questions of AI personhood, consciousness, and the distinction between human intelligence and artificial general intelligence (AGI).
Bridging the gap between technical intricacies and philosophical musings, AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable appeals to both AI experts and enthusiasts looking for a comprehensive understanding of the field, whilst also being written for a general audience with minimal technical jargon.
On the shelves now at our Vancouver branch
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