Democracy, Protest and the Law: Defending a Democratic Right / Michael Head
KM221.B7M34 2024
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In a new era of rising protests, social unrest and political discontent globally, especially over climate change, war dangers, austerity measures and social inequality, the right to protest is a critical democratic right. Yet it is increasingly controversial and subject to government reaction. This book poses a crucial question: how to defend and extend democracy? It examines the critical historical, social, political, ethical and legal issues raised by the basic democratic right to protest and the legislative and executive measures being taken by governments to restrict it. These measures are examined with a focus on three countries with an English legal heritage: the United States, Britain and Australia. These states are frequently held up as models of liberal democracies, respecting core legal and democratic rights. However, an examination shows that they have adopted far-reaching anti-protest laws and other provisions that threaten protest rights and genuine democracy itself. This book will be of interest to all members of society, as well as students, academics and policy-makers in the fields of civil liberties and human rights, constitutional law, criminal justice, national security and environmental studies.
On the shelves now at our Nanaimo and Vancouver branches
Justice As Healing: Indigenous Ways / Wanda D. McCaslin
KM208.I5M43 2005
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Drawing on a decade of writing on justice and community-based responses to conflicts, this substantive book features 45 articles from community members, scholars, judges, lawyers, and Elders. Justice As Healing is now the main textbook in countless classes on Indigenous Studies as well as on restorative justice.
On the shelves now at our Kamloops, Nanaimo, Prince George, Vancouver and Victoria branches
Decoding Canadian Legal Research, Writing, and Conventions / Kellinde Wrightson
KL155.W75 2024
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Decoding Canadian Legal Research, Writing, and Conventions: A Guide for Internationally Trained Lawyers, is an essential resource for internationally trained lawyers seeking to work in Canada. It bridges common gaps in legal research and writing knowledge arising from foreign legal education and legal systems. It provides readers with the necessary cultural context as well as the foundation and skills to write effectively for the Canadian market.
Part 1 of the text introduces readers to the Canadian legal market, with a focus on the National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) and the NCA system and licensing processes. Part 2 then explores legal research and writing, highlighting skills such as writing a memorandum of law, answering problem-based law exam questions, and writing skills unique to legal workplaces in Canada. Finally, Part 3 provides in-depth information on drafting effective cover letters and resumes, interviewing with Canadian employers, and preparing for the articling system.
On the shelves now at our Kamloops, New Westminster, Vancouver and Victoria branches
Drafting, Interpreting, and Applying Legislation / John Mark Keyes
KL34.1.K49 2023
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John Mark Keyes and Wendy Gordon have charted here a complete life cycle of legislation. Drafting, Interpreting, and Applying Legislation begins by discussing what legislation is and what it does, as well as the purposes for which it is used. This informative book then addresses the drafting of legislative texts and the processes for transforming them into law. It goes on to explain how legislation is found, understood, and applied, including the interpretive principles and techniques for resolving disputes about its meaning and application. Among the works dealing with the Canadian system of written laws, it is one of the most comprehensive in scope, encompassing both how legislation is made and how it is interpreted and applied.
On the shelves now at our Abbotsford, Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Prince George, Vancouver, Victoria and Local branches
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Emerging Legal & Policy Considerations / Sohaib Habib
KN303.4.H33 2024
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Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based assets which represent a paradigm shift in what it means to own physical or digital property. NFTs have a large range of applications, from ownership of digital art, to membership in an exclusive “metaverse” community, to representing ownership of real-world assets like real estate. Surprisingly, however, there is currently no legislation and almost no guidance from regulators in Canada relating to NFTs.
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Emerging Legal & Policy Considerations is a must-read for legal practitioners and policy makers seeking to understand the technology that underpins NFTs as well as the cutting-edge legal issues they present.
Topics Covered:
- Blockchain technology
- Smart contracts
- Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
- Cryptocurrency
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
- Intellectual property (IP)
- Consumer protection
- NFT theft
- Royalties
- Securities law
- Taxation
- Privacy
- Emerging issues
- The “Code is Law” Argument
- Soulbound Tokens
In addition to featuring real-life case studies, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Emerging Legal & Policy Considerations also includes discussions and subsections relating to contract law principles and anti-competitive practices.
On the shelves now at our Vancouver branch
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