BC case reports (1948-1976)
Last revised February 15, 2024

BC did not have its own published case report service between 1948, when the British Columbia Reports (BCRs) ceased publication, and 1976, when the British Columbia Law Reports (BCLRs) began.

Some BC cases from this time period were published in regional reporters, namely the Dominion Law Reports and Western Weekly Reports.  In many instances however, a digest or summary of the case may be the only published record.

Reports of BC cases from 1948 to 1976 can be found in the following sources:

  • The Advocate (Digest, 1943 -  ) 
    • Published by the Vancouver Bar Association
    • Case digests became a regular feature in 1949, case tables were included beginning in 1951. 
    • Prior to 1951, case digests can be accessed by subject under the heading "Legal Notes" or "Legal Topics".
  • Dominion Law Reports (Full text, 1912 -  )
  • Dominion Report Service (Digest, 1936 - 1990)
  • Western Weekly Reports (Full text, 1911 -  )

These cases can also usually be found by searching Quicklaw or Westlaw when you are onsite at any Courthouse Library location.

