Coroner's Reports
Last revised September 08, 2022

All deaths that are unnatural, unexpected, unexplained or unattended must be reported to the BC Coroners Service.  They are also responsible for conducting reviews of all child deaths occurring within the province.


Section 11 of the Coroners Act, SBC 2007, c. 15, gives coroners seizure and inspection powers when and where warranted in order to gather the facts surrounding a death, and section 13 allows them to issue warrants authorizing the conduct of autopsies, toxicology testing and additional procedures, such as microscopy, where required.

Copies of toxicology reports or post mortems require a court order or consent from next of kin.


Upon receiving a report of a death, the coroner reviews the information, which leads to one of three results:

  • Conclusion of Natural Death
  • Coroner's Investigation
  • Coroner's Inquest
Natural Death

If the coroner determines that the death was due to a natural disease process, they contact the personal physician of the deceased.


When it is not a natural death, the coroner has the authority to collect information, conduct interviews, inspect and seize documents and secure the scene.

At the end of the investigation, a report is released with all of the findings, including a cause of death and, whenever possible, recommendations to prevent future deaths.

A closed investigation may be reopened on the grounds that new evidence has arisen or has been discovered. An application to reopen an investigation is made by writing a letter to the Chief Coroner outlining the new evidence.


Inquests are formal court proceedings, with a five-person jury, held to publicly review the circumstances of a death. The jury hears evidence from witnesses under subpoena in order to determine the facts of the death. 

An inquest is mandatory if the deceased was in the care or control or a police officer or in a police lock-up at the time of their death unless the Chief Coroner exercises the discretion provided under section 18 of the Coroners Act.


The verdicts for some inquests are posted on the Inquest Schedule, Jury Findings and Verdicts page. The online archive of inquest verdicts goes back to 2007.

For a copy of the verdict at inquest that is not posted, contact the regional coroner office in your area. Requests must be received in written form by letter, fax or email.  Include as much information as possible (name of deceased / place / date / circumstances of death).





Chief Coroner's Office

Metrotower II Suite 800 - 4720 Kingsway

Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4N2

Tel: 604 660-7745

Fax: 604 660-7766
