Expropriation Compensation Board of BC
Last revised July 11, 2024

Effective March 18, 2005, with implementation of the Expropriation Amendment Act, 2004, S.B.C. 2004, c. 61, as amended by Bill 3 - 2005, the Expropriation Compensation Board of BC was disestablished and jurisdiction over expropriation matters formerly held by the Board was transferred to the courts. The BC Supreme Court now deals with expropriation and compensation matters, although some matters may be resolved through private arbitration.

Decisions on compensation for expropriation of land are published in the Land Compensation Reports.

Written decisions of the Expropriation Compensation Board of BC dating from 1988-2006 may also be found on the BC Laws website. Some oral/unreported decisions are available as well.