Law Society of British Columbia - Discipline decisions
Last revised July 02, 2024

All disciplinary matters (complaints, hearings, publication, penalties, etc.) are governed by Part 4 (Discipline) of The Law Society Rules.  Rule 4-48 governs publication of a disciplinary action. Below is a summary of where you can find past discipline decisions.

Law Society Website

Discipline outcomes including citations, admitted discipline violations, conduct reviews and administrative penalties can be accessed on the BC Law Society website.

Coverage is as follows:

  • Admitted violations since 2004 
  • Conduct review summaries since 2016

Lexis Advance Quicklaw

Decisions from 1991 - current

Bencher’s Bulletin 2007- 2016 

Before 2016, digests of all discipline decisions were published in print in the Bencher's Bulletin component of the Members' Manual and may be accessed at Courthouse Libraries.

Before being published in the Bencher’s Bulletin, the Law Society of BC published summaries of discipline decisions in two separate components of its Members' Manual: the Discipline Digest and the Discipline Case Digest.

Discipline Digest 1983 – 2006 

The Discipline Digest contained summaries of conditional admissions under Rule 4-21 (now Rule 4-29).  In July 2005, the Discipline Digest changed its format to include summaries of hearing panel decisions and Rule 4-22 (now Rule 5-6.5) admissions previously published in the Discipline Case Digest. The Discipline Digest from 1983 – 2006 is available in print at Courthouse Libraries.

The Discipline Case Digest 1983 - May 2005

The Discipline Case Digest contained summaries of hearing panel decisions, including Rule 4-22 admissions, and dates from 1983 to May 2005. The Discipline Case Digest from 1983 – May 2005 is available in print in Courthouse Libraries.


Content reviewed June 25, 2024

