Laws of Quebec - Updating acts & regulations
Last revised September 02, 2022


To stay up-to-date with Quebec acts, check the bound Revised Statutes of Quebec 1977. It contains the "Table of Provisions Brought into Force of Acts...", which can be updated by checking "Coming into Force of Acts" in the quarterly cumulative index of the Gazette Officielle du Québec, Part 2 - Laws and Regulations.

There is a Table of Amendments in the Revised Statutes arranged using the alphanumeric chapter.

Check the "Cumulative Table of Amendments" in print for each annual volume of the Statutes of Quebec since the original enactment of the statute until the entire act or the section has been proclaimed.  The Tables of Amendments are a cumulative list of amendments, repeals, and new statutes enacted since the 1977 revision, arranged by chapter number.  It does not list unaltered statutes. There is not a cumulative printed list, but there is one available online.

Please note: When a legislative amendment has required new alphanumeric Revised Statute designation, the in force information will continue to be listed under the annual statute references.

For the full text of bills assented to, check the most recent cumulative index of the bound volumes of the Gazette Officielle du Québec, Part 2 - Laws and Regulations and then check the quarterly index and subsequent issues to date.  The  alphabetical list, "Index Statutory Instruments" gives a page reference to the Gazette for that year.

Alternatively, the National Assembly of Quebec provides access to the full text, status and history of bills in the section "Parliamentary Proceedings".


To stay up-to-date with Quebec regulations, check the most recent cumulative index of the bound volumes of the Gazette Officielle du Québec, Part 2 - Laws and Regulations. Then check the quarterly index and subsequent issues to date.

Alternately, available in French only, the Tableau des Modifications et Index Sommaire provides a cumulative list of amending regulations.

The Gazette officielle du Québec, Part I and II, is also now available free of charge on the Publications Québec website.
