National Energy Board - Filing guidelines
Last revised September 06, 2022

Companies regulated by the National Energy Board Act (NEB Act) are required to obtain the Board's approval to do things like add or modify facilities, export or import oil products or set tolls and tariffs. When seeking approval, applicants must submit filings to the Board that are complete and that enable the Board to make a decision. Guidelines on information required to be filed by applicants to the National Energy Board are in the Filing Manual, a copy of which may be found on the National Energy Board website.


The guidelines were originally contained in a schedule to the National Energy Board Rules of Practice and Procedure, as published in the Consolidated Regulations of Canada, 1978 (C.R.C.), chapter 1057. 

In 1995, new rules of practice and procedure (SOR/95-208) were introduced and Guidelines for Filing Requirements were published separately by the Board.

