Parliamentary Archives of the United Kingdom
Last revised May 31, 2024

The Parliamentary Archives of the United Kingdom, formerly the House of Lords Record Office, holds the records of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Records include Acts of Parliament from 1497, Hansard (Parliamentary Debates) from 1803, Journals (daily minutes) of the House of Lords from 1510 and the House of Commons from 1547, and Judicial records from 1621. See Collections for further information about the Archives' holdings.

Descriptions of the records can be searched using the Parliamentary Archives Catalogue.

Staff at the Archives do not undertake detailed research for users, but they can be contacted for advice about the scope of the records for a particular topic. Enquiries should be sent by post, fax or e-mail.

The Archives also provides a guide to Digitized Historical Parliamentary Material containing information about parliamentary material that has been made available on the internet by various organizations.

The Parliamentary Archives does not hold records of government departments (the civil service) or the Crown. Those records can be found at the National Archives, formerly the Public Record Office.