Why can't I find any information on whether this section was repealed?
Last revised September 08, 2022

Some statutes and regulations contain a sunset clause or provision, which states that a law, or sections of a law, will expire after a specific date, unless further legislation extends the law.

There is no consolidated list of sunset clauses. Sunset clauses are contained within the act or regulation it refers to. BC and federal legislation is available in the Courthouse Libraries BC print collection.

For example, the Anti-Terrorism Act, S.C.2001, c. 41, s. 83.32(1) has a sunset clause stating:

83.32 (1) Sections 83.28, 83.29 and 83.3 cease to apply at the end of the fifteenth sitting day of Parliament after December 31, 2006 unless, before the end of that day, the application of those sections is extended by a resolution - the text of which is established under subsection (2) - passed by both Houses of Parliament in accordance with the rules set out in subsection (3).