Spring has officially arrived, which means that LawMatters’ grants are right around the corner! Our planned release date for grant offers this year is the first week of May. Keep an eye on your inboxes!
To complement the grant release, LawMatters will again host a webinar to explain the various guides that we create to help you make best use of the grant. The 1-hour webinar will explain the purpose of each guide, including the Law Books for Libraries List – now including Law Books for Kids – the LawMatters’ selection guidelines, and the Retention & Weeding List. We’ll also be talking about new options for spending on print-based programming and special projects. If you are responsible for selecting and purchasing grant materials for your library, this is the webinar for you!
LawMatters’ Grant and Collection Development Guides
May 3rd, 10-11 AM
Register here - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqcuqprjstE9yTU3qFmo-0LxRcvjAyZIAF
We’re currently busy updating all our guides for the grant offers. An updated Law Books for Libraries list will be available when the grants go out. We will also be updating our selection and weeding guidelines over the next few months based on feedback we’ve received asking that they go more in-depth into how to weed certain legal topics. We know many of you are probably eager to start weeding projects in your libraries and we’d love to hear what would be helpful to include in our weeding guides. If you are coming to the webinar, please feel free to bring your feedback (or any questions you may have in other areas). You can also get in touch with us at any time at lawmatters@courthouselibrary.ca
On another note, the 2023 BCLA Conference is also right around the corner! Both Megan and I will be attending – if you see us there, please say hi!