Legal Help for 60's Scoop Survivors

Atira(link is external) in partnership with the Indigenous Community Legal Clinic(link is external), the Amici Curiae Friendship Society(link is external), and Carnegie Community Centre (with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC), will be offering assistance to 60’s Scoop Survivors to file for the 60’s Scoop Survivors Class Action.

Please note the class action ends August 30, 2019 and they hope to assist as many eligible 60’s Scoop Survivors as they possibly can before then. Atira can assist women to apply and the other organizations listed can help other 60’s Scoop survivors as well.

Contact information for assistance is provided in the attached poster(link is external) (PDF). Please disseminate/share widely.

Please note that these services are being offered in-person in Vancouver.

For those of you outside the lower mainland, you can direct any patrons asking for assistance with completing the forms to contact Collectiva(link is external) at 1-844-287-4270 or by email at sends email). They are able to provide support over the phone.

60's scoop info poster