Legal Aid BC has launched a new website to host their online legal information publications: To get directed there from the main Legal Aid website, simply click on the ‘Our resources’ button on the homepage.
As a refresher, these publications discuss the following legal topics:
- Criminal matters, including information on defending yourself in court regarding a variety of charges
- Separation and divorce
- Intimate partner violence
- Legal matters specific to refugees and newcomers
- Legal matters specific to Indigenous people
- Child protection
As before, the publications are available to read online or download in PDF for easy printing but are no longer available in print or booklet format through Crown Publications. Some publication links will also bring you to other websites, such as Aboriginal Legal Aid BC, or link to alternate formats such as video.
This website also features Common questions in the same topic areas, to help you find answers to specific legal information requests quickly.
If you are looking for a particular title and don’t see it, it might be one of the publications they are no longer producing. The following are no longer available:
- Can’t Pay Your Mortgage? What You Can Do If You’re Facing Foreclosure
- Family Law in BC: Quick Reference Tool
- If Your Child Is Taken: Your Rights as a Parent
- Is That Legal? What the Law Says about Online Harassment and Abuse
- Live Safe, End Abuse
- Safety in Relationships: Same-Gender
- Safety in Relationships: Trans Folk
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Sponsorship Breakdown
People’s Law School is taking on the publication of some of these resources, including information on welfare benefits, mortgage default, and sponsorship breakdown. We will be in touch once they are available. Also, a reminder that Justice Education Society has taken over the Family Law in BC website. The new URL is
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch at