Conflict of interest decisions
Last revised July 12, 2024

The Members' Conflict of Interest Act, RSBC 1996, c. 287, defines the standards of official conduct for Members of the Legislative Assembly of BC and the Executive Council, and provides for the investigation and resolution of potential conflicts of interest by the Conflict of Interest Commissioner.

The Commissioner is an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly, who may provide written opinions on application.

There are 2 types of opinions:

  1. Any MLA or member of the public with reasonable and probable grounds may request that the Conflict of Interest Commissioner give an opinion respecting the conduct of a member. Opinions are publicly available on the Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner website.
  2. Under section 18 of the Members' Conflict of Interest Act, any member may request an opinion respecting his or her own obligations under the Act. These opinions are confidential but may be released by the member, or with the consent of the member in writing.

A member of the public who believes that there has been a contravention of the Members' Conflict of Interest Act, or of section 25 of the Constitution Act may apply in writing for an opinion.

The application should set out the grounds for the belief and the nature of the alleged contravention.

Complaints or requests for opinions must be signed by the applicant and sent by fax or by regular mail.

