IBC Insurance Claims Agreements
Last revised September 01, 2022

To facilitate settlements and expedite certain claims, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) administers five voluntary agreements made among insurance companies.  The agreements are:

  • Agreement respecting Standardization of Claims Forms and Practices, and Guidelines for the Settlement of Claims.

    See the IBC website for 2002 amendments.
  • Agreement Respecting Disputed Losses Between Property Insurance and Boiler and Machinery Insurance Policies.
  • Agreement of Guiding Principles (Property Insurance)
  • Agreement of Guiding Principles Between Primary and Excess Liability Insurers Respecting Claims
  • Owned and Non-Owned Contents Agreement (Quebec). This agreement and its signatories are available through the IBC Montreal office. 

The IBC website provides lists of the companies that are signatories to each of these agreements.





IBC Montreal office

1981 McGill College Ave, Suite 620

Montreal, Quebec

H3A 2Y1

tel: 514-288-1563

fax: 514-288-0753