Where can I find the Labour Relations Board Rules?
Last revised September 08, 2022

The BC Labour Relations Board is an independent, administrative tribunal with the mandate to mediate and adjudicate employment and labour relations matters related to unionized workplaces.

The Labour Relations Board Rules replaced the Industrial Relations Council Rules, effective January 18, 1993.

The LRB Rules were made under Ministerial Order (M4/1992). They are not regulations and were therefore not published in the British Columbia Gazette, Part II.  A copy of the rules as they read in January 1993 is available in the Vancouver Courthouse Library.

See also Where can I find the Industrial Relations Council Rules?



British Columbia Labour Relations Board:

Suite 600, Oceanic Plaza

1066 West Hastings Street,

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 3X1

Tel: (604) 660-1300

Fax: (604) 660-1892