Court of Appeal (BC) - History
Last revised September 12, 2022

A comprehensive list of the Judges of the BC Court of Appeal (1909-2009) can be found in Appendix A to The British Columbia Court of Appeal: The first one hundred years.

A brief overview of the court's first century is also available in the Benchers' Bulletin: Spring 2010 of the Law Society of BC.

A special issue of the online journal BC Studies, No. 162 (Summer 2009) focuses on the BC Court of Appeal's history.

A speech by Chief Justice Finch, entitled Access to Justice:  The Elephant in the Room, given to the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch Conference, on November 20, 2010, refers to a special commemorative edition of the Advocate with biographical profiles of leading BC counsel in the Court of Appeal over the last century.

The Advocate did not issue a special commemorative edition, but at least 5 of their 2010 issues featured some information about the history of the Court of Appeal:

  • January includes an editorial on the Centenary,  newspaper articles from the 1910 opening of the Court of Appeal, and biographies of significant personalities from the court's history.
  • March contains the first half (1867-1911) of a pictorial article.
  • May contains the second half (1911-1979) of the pictorial article.
  • July includes the Remarks for the British Columbia Court of Appeal Centennial Dinner, held on April 23, 2010.
  • November contains an article, Appeals and the British Columbia Court of Appeal, abridged from a talk given at the Judges' and Lawyers' B.C.C.A. Centenary Conference on April 23-24, 2010.

