British Columbia Maritime Employers Association v International Longshore & Warehouse Union (Canadian Area)

Decision Date
Decision Number
6C-15239 & 6C-15239a to 6C-15239c
Registry or File Number
A981827 & C984036
Court or Tribunal
Judge or Arbitrator
Other Parties: Pacific Coast Terminals Co.; International Longshore & Warehouse, Local 500 (Greater Vancouver); International Longshore & Warehouse, Locals 514 & 518 (British Columbia); Holloway, Orpen, Hart, Hamilton, Lethbridge, Leslie, Rekunyk, Stohl, McGivern, Moore, Stapleton, Windbiel, McLean, Westman, McKenna, Mihaichuk, Jantzen, Cordocedo, O'Donnell, Marsh and Doe. Reasons for Judgment by Parrett J., dated AUGUST 17, 1998 available at 6C-15239a. Reasons for Judgment by Low J., dated AUGUST 21, 1998 available at 6C-15239b. Reasons for Judgment by Bauman J., dated APRIL 9, 1999 available at 6C-15239c.