Cooper v Hobart

Decision Date
Decision Number
4B-8455 & 4B-8455a to 4B-8455c
Registry or File Number
Court or Tribunal
Judge or Arbitrator
This was a Master's decision. In the matter of the Class Proceedings Act. Other Parties: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia, Slobogian, Biller, Eron Mortgage Corp., Eron Financial Services, Eron Investment Corp., Eron Investment (#2) Corp., 543219 B.C. Ltd., 509994 B.C. Ltd., 509097 B.C. Ltd., 496622 B.C. Ltd., 534170 B.C. Ltd., Wightman, McLean, Lehner, Brown, Lee, Coulson, Nagy, Jenkins, Gallie, Carter, Dukelow, Morell, Jennings, Jackie, Nairne and Wragge. Reasons for Judgment by Tysoe J., dated February 3, 1999 available at 4B-8455a. Reasons for Judgment dated April 6, 1999 available at 4B-8455b. Reasons for Judgment dated February 24, 2000 available at 4B-8455c.