R. v Sestito

Decision Date
Decision Number
6A-14196 & 6A-14196a
Registry or File Number
20806-03-C2 & CC981440
Court or Tribunal
Prov. Ct./B.C.S.C.
Judge or Arbitrator
In the matter of the Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Ch. 318, s.95 and the Offence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Ch. 338, ss. 96 (3) and 100 (1). An Order from the Supreme Court of British Columbia by Dohm CJ., dated MAY 14, 1999 available at 6A-14196a. Registry stamp was dated May 31, 1999. This case was referred to in R. v. Sepass.