Interested in learning more about how COVID-19 is affecting family law? Join us on Wednesday May 13th at 9:00 am (PST) for this bonus session in our JP Boyd on Family Law webinar series. Follow this link to register: How COVID-19 is Impacting Family Law Matters.
John-Paul Boyd, Q.C. will give an overview of common problems that have arisen, the status of the courts and out-of-court dispute resolution, and emerging case law. He will be joined by Courthouse Librarians who have been working on the COVID-19 Resources for British Columbians Wikibook and using this resource to provide remote reference services to library patrons since mid-March. Together they will help show you where to find current, reliable information you can share with your patrons.
Given the amount of material to cover, this webinar will be predominantly presentation style. However, we encourage questions throughout the presentation as the presenters are happy to answer them anytime. We'll also try to save time at the end for more questions.
We hope you can join us!
A recording of this session is available on our Vimeo channel: