Make-A-Will Week 2020

Make-A-Will Week is coming up! This year it falls on October 4th – 10th.

According to a 2019 press release(link is external) from the BC Notaries, 62% of people aged 35 to 54 and 77% of people aged 18 to 34 do not have a will. The purpose Make-A-Will Week is to encourage people to write a will or bring an existing will up-to-date. 

What can you do to get involved?

Prepare a display to highlight resources:

These titles are all available for viewing or free pdf download on the People’s Law School website, and are also published as a Clicklaw Wikibook: Introduction to Wills and Estates Collection(link is external)

Brush up on your knowledge of online sources:

Promote the events listed below to your patrons, or participate for yourselves:

People’s Law School(link is external) is offering free public legal education webinars on this topic!

Making a Will in British Columbia
When: Thursday, October 8, at noon PT.    
How: Share or click this registration link(link is external).
What: In the spirit of Make a Will Week next week, PLS is offering this webinar to encourage British Columbians to make or update their wills. Guest speakers – a lawyer in private practice, a notary, and a lawyer from the Public Guardian and Trustee – will answer common questions and share their insights.

Contesting a Will in British Columbia
When: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at noon PT. 
How: Share or click this registration link(link is external).
What: At People’s Law School, they often get questions from the public about challenging a will, including questions about validity, undue influence, and fairness to beneficiaries. They’ll have two lawyers in private practice answer common questions and offer information about what signs to look for and possible steps to take.

Settling an Estate in British Columbia: Town Hall Edition
When: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at noon PT. 
How: Share or click this registration link(link is external)
What: This webinar builds on the webinar offered in June 2020 about settling an estate in British Columbia. Return speakers will provide members of the public with a further opportunity to have their questions answered live.

These webinars are designed for members of the public, but they may also be a resource for organizations who help them, including public librarians. As with their previous sessions, video recordings of the webinars, along with relevant links, will be hosted on their site afterwards as a resource for the public. 

If you have any questions about the resources or events in this post – please reach out! Email us at sends email)