Happy Spring! We wanted to use today’s post to give you an update about one of the legal resources we’ve promoted in the past. MyLawBC, a website run by Legal Aid BC, will be retired as of March 31, 2023. The website features guided pathways which ask the user a series of questions and provides a tailored action plan using their answers. Until March 31, you can still use the website to create and save action plans and get legal information.
The family law material from MyLawBC will be moved and made available on Legal Aid’s Family Law website. This includes information on separation plans, getting court orders concerning your family law issue, what to do when served with court documents in a family law case, and making a safety plan in situations of family violence. Other information and pathways will also be relocated to other Legal Aid BC websites – we'll keep you posted on where they end up!
In the meantime, we wanted to give you some other resources you would be able to refer to for information in areas featured on MyLawBC. Check out the links below:
Separation and Divorce
The Family Law in BC website is a go-to resource for online legal information on all things family law.
Abuse and Family Violence
Live Safe, End Abuse - this is a booklet produced by Legal Aid BC. Available in multiple languages, you can easily print pages from the online version or order free print copies for your library through Crown Publications.
Missed Mortgage Payments
Clicklaw Common Question – I've missed a few mortgage payments and am facing foreclosure
From People’s Law School - If you’re having difficulty paying your mortgage and If you’re facing foreclosure
Wills and Planning for Your Future Care
People’s Law School is a good resource when it comes to online resources about will-making and probating an estate after someone passes. Check out the pages below:
Want a print resource? Check out the titles below! These titles are available at many CLBC locations and may also be on your own shelfs, made available through the LawMatters grant.
Nidus has many fact sheets and other resources that provide information on representation agreements and power of attorney. Also check out Dial a Law’s page on Understanding power of attorney and representation agreements as well as the Clicklaw Wikibook on Power of Attorney authored by People’s Law School.