Online and Print Resources for Refugee Claimants

My Refugee Claim is a national resource created by Kinbrace with the goal of making the refugee protection system easier for all claimants and asylum seekers coming to Canada. The website provides an overview of the refugee claim process from start to finish, including the government agencies involved, working with legal representation and interpreters, preparing for the hearing, what to do if detained, and more. The website is available in thirteen languages.  

My Refugee Claim also produces an Orientation Booklet which guides people through the refugee claim process. This booklet, as well as trifold brochures for the My Refugee Claim program, are now available to be ordered in print at no cost. These print materials are available in the same thirteen languages as the website. To order copies of these materials, please use this online order form.  

My Refugee Claim also provides Ready Tours, which are free, virtual workshops where refugee claimants can prepare for their hearings and learn about the appeal process from Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada staff members. Ready Tours are run once a month and are provided in either English or French; interpreters can be provided.  

If you want to learn more about resources available for refugee claimants, BC Refugee Hub is hosting a webinar on Mar 11 at 1 PM. They will give an overview of the refugee process, tips to supporting claimants navigating the claim process, and an introduction to My Refugee Claim resources. You can register for the webinar here.