Water Sustainability Act

S.B.C. 2014, c. 15 (Bill 18)

Last Updated
In Force Date
Sections in Force
Act, except section 18
By Regulation
B.C. Reg. 35/2016
Acts Affected
Agricultural Land Commission Act; Clean Energy Act; Community Charter; Creston Valley Wildlife Act; Drainage, Ditch and Dike Act; Drinking Water Protection Act; Ecological Reserve Act; Environmental Management Act; Expropriation Act; Fish Protection Act; Forest and Range Practices Act; Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; Geothermal Resources Act; Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Act; Greater Vancouver Water District Act; Greenbelt Act; Hospital District Act; Hydro and Power Authority Act; Land Title Act; Local Government Act; Manufactured Home Act; Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2010; Oil and Gas Activities Act; Ombudsperson Act; Property Transfer Tax Act; Resort Municipality of Whistler Act; Sustainable Resource Management Statutes Amendment Act, 2002; Sustainable Resource Management Statutes Amendment Act, 2003; Vancouver Charter; Water Act; Water Protection Act; Water Sustainability Act; Water Utility Act; Wildlife Amendment Act, 1999; Wildlife Amendment Act, 2004
Date Added