Table of Local and Private Statutes
Title | Citations |
Cassiar Trail Tolls Act | S.B.C. 1876, c.7 Repealed by S.B.C. 1886, c.23 |
Cemetery Ordinance Amendment Act | S.B.C. 1879, c.6 Amended by S.B.C. 1913, c.8 |
Centennial Celebration Act | S.B.C. 1956, c.56 Amended by S.B.C. 1957, c.72 Repealed by S.B.C. 1961, c.67 |
Central City Mission Act | S.B.C. 1971, c.70 |
Central Interior Development Act | S.B.C. 1949, c.7 |
Central Park Act | S.B.C. 1921 (2nd Sess.) c.7 Amended by S.B.C. 1933, c.6; Amended by S.B.C. 1957, c.73 |
Central Saanich Validation Act | S.B.C. 1951, c.90 |
Central Trust Company Act | S.B.C. 1984, c.31 |
Century Peace Memorial Act | S.B.C. 1920, c.67 |
Chartered Acoountants | See Accountants (Chartered) Act |
Chartered Commercial Company of Vancouver (Incorporation) Act | S.B.C. 1899, c.82 |
Children's Aid Society of the Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver Act | S.B.C. 1930, c.78 |
Chilkat and Klehini Railway and Navigation Company (Incorporation) Act | S.B.C. 1901, c.68 Dissolved by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.55 |
Chilliwack (City of) ByLaws Validation Act | S.B.C. 1931, c.72 |
Chilliwack (City of) Incorporation Act | S.B.C. 1908, c.57 |
Chilliwack Dyking District Act | S.B.C. 1949, c.9 Amended by S.B.C. 1956, c.57; Amended by S.B.C. 1965, c.10, s.8; Amended by S.B.C. 1970, c.34; Amended by S.B.C. 1975, c.37 Repealed by S.B.C. 1980, c.36 |
Chilliwack Foundation Act | S.B.C. 1985, c.62 |
Chilliwhack (Township of) By Law Validation Act | S.B.C. 1894, c.52 |
Chilliwhack (Township of) Drainage Act | S.B.C. 1951, c.91 Amended by S.B.C. 1955, c.93 Repealed by S.B.C. 1964, c.34 |
Chilliwhack Railway Company (Incorporation) Act | S.B.C. 1891, c.55 Dissolved by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.55 |