Table of Local and Private Statutes

Title Citations
Fraser Valley Mutual Insurance Company Act S.B.C. 1966, c.58
Frederick Arthur Pauline (Allowance) Act S.B.C. 1931, c.49
Fruit Growers Mutual Insurance Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1955, c.95
Amended by S.B.C. 1970, c.50
Fruit Inspection Act S.B.C. 1933, c.22
Repealed & Replaced by S.B.C. 1935, c.27
Fuel Tax Validation Act S.B.C. 1990, c.8
Repealed by S.B.C. 2007, c. 14
Fumerton Holdings Limited (Corporate Restoration) Act S.B.C. 2001, c.39
Fumertons Limited (Corporate Restoration) Act S.B.C. 2001, c.40
Garibaldi Park Act S.B.C. 1926/27, c.25
Amended by S.B.C. 1933, c.23
Repealed by S.B.C. 1953, c.46
General Trusts Corporation (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1905, c.64
Amended by S.B.C. 1906, c.21
George Ernest Pascoe Jones Retirement Act S.B.C. 1965, c.63
George Moxham Grant Act S.B.C. 1956, c.64
Glen Valley Dyking District Act S.B.C. 1944, c.13
Repealed by S.B.C. 1965, c.10
Goat River Water, Power, and Light Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1909, c.53
Gold Standard Resources Ltd. (Corporate Restoration) Act S.B.C. 2002, c.70
Golden Light, Power, and Water Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1905, c.65
Golf Course Development Moratorium Act S.B.C. 1992, c.8
Gopher Control Act S.B.C. 1919, c.62
Repealed by S.B.C. 1921, c.42
See also: Mosquito Control Act
Gorge Bridge Act, Joint Repair of S.B.C. 1920, c.31
Gospel Riders Motorcycle Ministries (Corporation Restoration) Act S.B.C. 2011, c.26
Graham Island Railway Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1909, c.54
Amended by S.B.C. 1910, c.65;
Dissolved by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.55