Table of Local and Private Statutes

Title Citations
Seaboard Assurance Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1953 (2nd Sess.), c.46;
Amended by S.B.C. 1961, c.70;
S.B.C. 1966, c.66;
S.B.C. 1971, c.71;
S.B.C. 1982, c.65
Seed-Grain Act R.S.B.C. 1924, c.227
Seminary of Christ the King Act S.B.C. 1966, c.67
Amended by S.B.C. 1989, c.43;
S.B.C. 1992, c.14;
S.B.C. 2007, c. 16
Senatorial Selection Act S.B.C. 1990, c.70
Repealed by S.B.C. 2007, c. 14
Sessional Allowances Reduction Act See S.B.C. 1940 (2nd Sess.), c.4;
S.B.C. 1948 (2nd Sess.), c.5;
S.B.C. 1951 (2nd Sess.), c.3;
S.B.C. 1961 (2nd Sess.), c.5;
S.B.C. 1972 (2nd Sess.), c.11
Sessional Reports Suspension Act S.B.C. 1973 (2nd Sess.), c.150
Repealed by S.B.C. 1980, c.40
Seventh-Day Adventist Church (British Columbia Conference) Act S.B.C. 1990, c.75
Sewerage Act R.S.B.C. 1924, c.229
Sex Disqualification Removal Act 1931 R.S.B.C. 1960, c.352
Shaughnessy Heights Building Restrictions Act S.B.C. 1922, c.87
Amended by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.84;
Amended by S.B.C. 1933, c.78; Amended by S.B.C. 1939, c.67;
Amended by S.B.C. 1950, c.91 & 92;
Amended by S.B.C. 1951, c.103;
Amended by S.B.C. 1955, c.111;
Amended by S.B.C. 1957, c.83;
Amended by S.B.C. 1959, c.105;
Amended by S.B.C. 1960, c.77 & 78;
Amended by S.B.C. 1962, c.81;
Amended by S.B.C. 1964, c.70;
Amended by S.B.C. 1965, c.66;
Amended by S.B.C. 1968, c.69
Shaughnessy Heights Settlement Act S.B.C. 1914, c.96
Shuswap and Okanagan Railway Subsidy Act S.B.C. 1887, c.26
Amended by S.B.C. 1888, c.30
Repealed & Replaced by S.B.C. 1890, c.42;
Amended by S.B.C. 1891, c.37
Sinking Fund Adjustment Act R.S.B.C. 1911, c.212
Sisters of Charity of Providence in British Columbia (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1892, c.57
Amended by S.B.C. 1938, c.51
Sisters of Instruction of the Child Jesus (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1913, c.94
Sisters of Saint Ann (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1892, c.58
Skagit Valley Lands Act S.B.C. 1947, c.81
Repealed by S.B.C. 1984, c.28
Skeena River and Eastern Railway Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1898, c.62
Dissolved by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.55
Skeena River Railway, Colonization, and Exploration Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1898, c.63
Dissolved by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.55
Slocan (City of) Debentures Act S.B.C. 1907, c.36