Table of Local and Private Statutes

Title Citations
Wellington Collieries Railway Act S.B.C. 1883, c.28
Repealed by S.B.C. 1926/27, c.55
Wellington Receivership Act S.B.C. 1901, c.63
Amended by S.B.C. 1903, c.29;
Amended by S.B.C. 1905, c.56
West Canadian Hydric Electric Corporation Columbia Power Company Compensation Act S.B.C. 1948, c.105
West Coast National Park Act S.B.C. 1969, c.41
Amended by S.B.C. 1977, c.75;
Amended by S.B.C. 1983, c.20;
Amended by S.B.C. 1987, c.23
Repealed by S.B.C. 2003, c.90
West Kootenay Power and Light Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1897, c.63
Amended by S.B.C. 1911, c.78;
Amended by S.B.C. 1929, c.76;
Amended by S.B.C. 1981, c.32
West Kootenay Schools Collective Bargaining Assistance Act S.B.C. 1978, c.42 (Published in the S.B.C. 1979 volume at page 161)
Repealed by S.B.C. 1990, c.26
West Nicomen Dyking District Aid Act S.B.C. 1918, c.100
Amended by S.B.C. 1925, c.62;
Amended by S.B.C. 1930, c.77;
Amended by S.B.C. 1936 (2nd Sess.), c.24
West Nicomen Dyking District Tax Adjustment Act S.B.C. 1923, c.75
West Vancouver (District of) ByLaws Validation Act S.B.C. 1915, c.73
West Vancouver (District of) Crown Grants Release Act S.B.C. 1936 (2nd Sess.), c.60
West Vancouver (District of) Incorporation Act S.B.C. 1912, c.60
Amended by S.B.C. 1920, c.104;
Amended by S.B.C. 1922, c.84;
Amended by S.B.C. 1925, c.63;
Amended by S.B.C. 1929, c.77
West Vancouver Voluntary Refunding Act S.B.C. 1941/42, c.51
Westar Group Ltd. Special Provisions Act R.S.B.C. 1979, c.366
Amended by S.B.C. 1980, c.36;
Amended by S.B.C. 1981, c.21;
Amended by S.B.C. 1982, c.63;
Amended by S.B.C. 1988, c.56;
Amended by S.B.C. 1989, c.36;
Amended by S.B.C. 1990, c.11
Westco Insurance Company Act S.B.C. 1966, c.71
Repealed by S.B.C. 2005, c. 24
Western Pentecostal Bible College See Summit Pacific College
Western Telephone and Telegraph Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1900, c.56
Western Union Fire Insurance Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1910, c.82
Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Company (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1890, c.67
Amended by S.B.C. 1891, c.71;
Amended by S.B.C. 1896, c.55
Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Land Grant Act S.B.C. 1894, c.51
Westminster Hall (Incorporation) Act S.B.C. 1909, c.67
Amended by S.B.C. 1912, c.62